Business Model Vulnerability
All businesses are not structured equally with regard to reliance on employees and subsequent profitability. We work to analyze the disparate impacts of public policy proposals on different business models, how it further impacts their ability to serve their customers, and work toward policies that treat all stakeholders fairly.
Tax Equity & Fairness
Many companies within the same industries have significant variances in their tax liabilities. Similar formats and business models are often treated differently and we work to ensure tax laws are equitable and fair and that there is a level playing field.
Telehealth is a vital gateway for millions of Americans to get necessary healthcare, counseling, advice and critical interaction with providers in pursuit of their health and welfare. We support policies that encourage access, efficiency and transparency in healthcare and work to ensure expansion of telehealth services.
On-Demand Delivery Economy
The delivery economy is here to stay and as new technologies incent new industries, it is difficult for policy makers to keep pace. We work to encourage policies that protect innovation but fairly balance the interests between new and legacy players in a given industry as well as protect the health and safety of their customers.